Jonathan Zheng

I am a second year PhD student at the Georgia Institute of Technology majoring in computer science. I have been working with Wei Xu and Alan Ritter since my second undergraduate year.

My research interests are in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, focusing on large language model (LLM) learning and generalizability. I am also interested in using LLMs for practical applications for social good, such as for misinformation detection and privacy risk detection.

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I'm interested in the learning and reasoning process of large language models. My previous projects have explored the generalizability and robustness of NLP systems in diverse semantic spaces containing misinformation, language model representations of neologisms emerging over time, and probabilistic reasoning of LLMs in real-world applications.

NEO-BENCH: Evaluating Robustness of Large Language Models with Neologisms
Jonathan Zheng, Alan Ritter Wei Xu,
ACL, 2024

Neo-Bench is a novel benchmark that evaluates the capabilities of LLMs in generalizing on new words that emerge over time..

Stanceosaurus 2.0: Classifying Stance Towards Russian and Spanish Misinformation
Anton Lavrouk, Ian Ligon, Tarek Naous, Jonathan Zheng, Alan Ritter Wei Xu,
W-NUT, 2024

Stanceosaurus 2.0 extends the previous version by collecting Russian and Spanish tweets annotated with stance towards claims to combat misinformation online, especially for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Stanceosaurus: Classifying Stance Towards Multilingual Misinformation
Jonathan Zheng, Ashutosh Baheti, Tarek Naous, Wei Xu, Alan Ritter
EMNLP, 2022

Stanceosaurus is a large corpus of English, Hindi, and Arabic tweets annotated with stance towards claims to combat misinformation online.